The pupose of this page is to guide through the maze of Japanese Labor Law and give some interesting extracts.
Article 36. In the event that the employer has entered a written agreement with either a trade union organized by a majority of the workers at the workplace concerned where such a trade union exists or with a person representing a majority of the workers where no such trade union exists and has filed such agreement with the administrative office, the employer may, in accordance with the provisions of such agreement, and regardless of the provisions of Articles 32 through 32-5 and Article 40 with respect to working hours (hereinafter in this Article referred to as “working hours”) and the provisions of the preceding Article with respect to rest days (hereinafter in this Article referred to as “rest days”), extend the working hours or have workers work on rest days; however, that the extension in working hours for underground work and other work specified by ordinance as especially injurious to health shall not exceed two hours per day.
For full translation of the Japan Labor Law, click on the link.
This information is given for information purpose only . Companies should consult with a licensed social insurance consultant before making any decision
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