Japan government is planning to introduce a universal numbering system called “My Number” for all its residents from January 2016. At first, it will be used for Tax and Social Security and will be roughly the Japanese equivalent of Social Security number in the US and European countries.
In October 2015, residents on records in Japan will receive a notification card with their unique individual number, which will be sent to the last known address in the country’s resident records.
Japanese government has set up a website with information about My Number:
After the recent numerous leaks of personal information, Japanese government wants the personal number to be handled with high confidentiality. For this purpose, My Number will be treated as Specific Personal Information and the use of My Number for any duty that is not stipulated by law is prohibited. Therefore, inappropriately obtaining the My Number of another person and providing My Number to others without justifiable reason are punishable acts.
– For social security:
For employment insurance purposes: On or after January 1, 2016
For social insurance purposes: On or after January 1, 2017
– For taxation
Application for exemption for dependents
Withholding tax report (Gokeihyo)
Certificate of income and withholding tax from regular pay
Withholding tax report for individual and professional services
Payment report for real estate rentals
Annual salary report for local tax
Under the My Number law, employers are required to proceed to verification of the My Number information for employees. In order to do that, they should meet each employee separately in a confidential setting and check each employee My Number card with a picture ID such as driving license and passport.
As a principle, JMC will collect My Number information from clients by secured communication and will assume that the information provided by the client is accurate and will not verify it independently.
However, if clients make a special request, JMC can provide collection and verification services for My Number. In that case, clients need to set up a special services agreement with JMC.
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